Saint Brigid Parish is a Roman Catholic community committed to living our faith through prayer and worship of God. We believe that we have been called, through Baptism, to share the responsibility of advancing Christ’s mission on earth. We accept this calling willingly and foster God’s word in sacrament and teaching.
We embrace the mission of proclaiming the Good News by welcoming all people. We receive new members and visitors as Christ. We remember that what we have done for the “least of our brothers and sisters” we have also done for Christ.
Saint Brigid is a family oriented parish with family life and family values at the forefront of our ministry. We are actively fostering formation and education of children and adults.
Saint Brigid is a community that values God’s gifts of a bountiful earth and willing workers. We are called to be a generous, loving people sharing the fruits of our labors with all of God’s people. With the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit, we vow to make Christ more visible in our community and to make Saint Brigid parish a place that all who love God can call home.
Saint Brigid Catholic Church
Vine Grove, KY